License Removed

Sometimes the software may decide it is not registered and you need to re–enter the license key again. Read below to find some clues to what exactly happens.

First Things First

Make sure that you use the proper license key for this exactly software and that the license key supports this version of the software. If you ordered the license a long time ago, you might not be able to use it with the latest version of the software. You might find these two links helpful then:

  • Renew License — renew your license to use the latest version of the software;
  • Download Old Version — download the old version of the software that is supported by your license.

A Simple Test

If you are sure you have a valid and up–to–date license, but the software keeps “forgetting” it, try the following:

  • Run the application;
  • Activate it with the license key;
  • Quit the application;
  • Run it again;
  • Is the application activated?

For the 99% of our customers having this problem the answer is “yes, the application is activated”. This means that the software has successfully saved the activation data and was able to read them back on the next launch. If in a few days the software starts unregistered, it means that something else has removed the license data from your system.

Sounds scary? No worries, again for most of our customers the answer is pretty simple: they usually have a sort of system cleaning/optimizing software installed. That software tries to delete everything it finds unneeded and sometimes this includes the internal files of different applications, including ours. Try fine–tuning such applications and configure them to stay away from our applications and their settings.

This usually helps.

Test Failed?

If in the test above the application starts deactivated the second time, this means you don’t have enough privileges to write settings down to your own system. This is highly unlikely situation and you might have many problems with other applications, as well.

As a hint, you may try disabling your antivirus software or give yourself some more privileges, so the software can access your home directory.

Still Nothing?

Feel free to contact us with all the details if the above doesn’t help.