Invalid Crease Line
Origami requires crease lines to be straight and start and end on cut lines. Breaking this rules gives you “Invalid crease line” errors.
Crease lines must be straight
Origami doesn’t support curved crease lines, so you may get this error for a dieline like this:

Make sure your crease lines are absolutely straight and that all their anchor points are converted to corners.
Ends of crease lines must lie on cut lines
Here is an example of an incorrect crease line. As you can see, the ends of the crease line are not on the cut lines, so Origami can’t figure out how to fold the shape:

Here is a more realistic example. Note that the right end of the crease line is not perfectly aligned to the cut line.

Origami tries to detect and fix such issues automatically, but sometimes you need to help it.
Note that it is OK to have several crease line segments making a single straight line. As long as the combined line is straight and its ends are on the cut lines, Origami will handle this correctly.
Crease vs Curved Cut Line Intersection
If you get errors for crease line intersecting curved cut lines, have a look at the intersection with a curved path page for more information and hints.
Impossible crease line
Here is another scenario that sometimes happens to complex dielines:

Here the geometry on both sides of the crease line actually belongs to the same fold and must be flat, but Origami is asked to fold it. Origami reports an error in such cases.
Usually this error is not so obvious, but once you get the “Impossible crease line” error, you know what to look for: there must be a path from one side of the problem crease line to another that doesn’t cross any other crease lines. Find and fix it in order to get the shape folded properly.
Want More Hints?
- Empty Layout — why there is no dieline visible?
- Path Is Not Closed — the dieline needs a solid, continuous outline path;
- Intersecting Holes — holes must not overlap;
- Overlapping Lines — cut and crease lines must not overlap, as well;
- Outside Hole — all holes must be inside the outline path;
- Invalid Crease — crease lines have limitations;
- Almost Vertical/Horizontal — crease line is probably misaligned;
- Impossible Shape — some shapes simply don’t exist;
- Misaligned Elements — ends must meet, perfectly;
- Elements Are Too Small — keep dieline paths simple;
- Interesting Curved Cuts — it might not be easy;
- Triangulation Failed — Origami fails to make a 3D mesh of a dieline;
- Z–Fighting — what to do with overlapping polygons.
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