Free Stuff - 3D T-Shirts And More
11 May 2013
Want some more free stuff? Here you are. One more shapes pack, now of various clothes. Again, as the first one, it is absolutely free!
3D t-shirt shapes
Two 3d t-shirts for men and women with branding space both on front and back. Your logo needs to be a square image with the background matching the main color of the t-shirt.

3D polo shirt shape
Two polo shirt shapes with the same type of branding space. Put your logo and render like below. Logotypes with transparent background may also work well, by the way.

3D hoodie templates
Winter is coming to New Zealand and this is our way to survive it. Just kidding :) Two more shapes to put your logo on.

3D baseball cap
And the last one is a baseball cap that you may brand, as well. The logo should be square, as for all the other shapes.

Legal stuff
As with the first pack, you can use the shapes in your projects, sell the rendered images, but can’t resell the shapes. Nothing new here.
Anything else?
Use the suggestion link below to request more stuff like that. Please one shape per request. Do not forget that you need Boxshot Ultimate to use the shapes.
Origami is on its way to the public and should be available soon. We are interested in beta-testers on Windows platform, so please let me know if you can help. Use the contact link below.
Boxshot 4 is under active development and the new features are really amazing. Should be released soon, as well, so watch this space (I know you do).
Cheers :)