Extruded Shapes in Boxshot

Boxshot lets you load a flat 2D curve in SVG format (or make a new one) and extrude it by adding thickness. To start, locate the “Extrude” shape in the shapes panel and drag it into the scene:

Dragging the Extrude object into the scene

You’ll see the default extruded disk and its properties on the right:

Extrude object properties

The properties are pretty much the same as for 3D Text object, so please refer to 3D Text Tutorial for the description of thickness, look up and bevel options.

The main thing is hidden under the Edit Curve button. Clicking it opens the curve editor:

Extrude object editor

The editor is very similar to the curve editor that you use in Lathe editor so please refer there for basic operations like adding, deleting and moving points around.

Boxshot comes with some pre–defined curves that you can try:

Using pre-defined curves in extrude editor

Here I loaded a smile curve and clicked OK to see it extruded:

Editing vertices in extrude editor

Note that I adjusted the materials, so the shape looks orange instead of the default gray.

You can load your own curves by clicking Presets → Open… in the editor menu, or by simply dragging an SVG file into the editor.

Possible Errors

Some of the curves you make or load may produce incorrect results when extruded. Something like this:

Extruded shape looks inverted because of the wrong curve direction

The shape element looks inverted. This is caused by the incorrect path direction and the solution is to reverse the path. To do so, go back into the curve editor and click any vertex of the path in question:

Fixing the curve direction in extrude editor

Then click the Reverse path button in the toolbar to invert the selected path. Finally, click OK to see if it helps:

Extruded element is now fixed in 3D

Yes, it helps. Depending on the shape you may need to reverse all the paths or just some of them to get a properly looking extruded shape.

Adding Extra Paths

You don’t have to load external SVG file to get a curve, you can make one right in the curve editor. Let’s start with one of the built–in presets:

Starting with a simple shape in extrude editor

Good, now we’ll make a hole inside the circle. Click Add path button in the editor toolbar to add a new segment to the curve. There is a few to select from, choose the Square one:

Adding a new square path in extrude editor

Now you can adjust the new path by moving its vertices like below, or maybe adding some more vertices and making it looks much better. See the lathe editor tutorial for more instructions.

Here I simply moved the points around:

Making a simple second shape in extrude editor

The shape looks great to me, so let’s click OK to see the extruded result:

Seeing the edited curve in 3D, not what we expected

It looks like something went wrong, as there is no hole in the shape. The problem is described above and all you need is to reverse the newly created inner path.

Let’s go back to the curve editor, select that new path and reverse it:

Reversing the inner path to fix the figure

Click OK again and see that everything is fine now:

The updated figure after reversing the inner path

Materials and Mapping

Exactly as with 3D text objects, Boxshot lets you specify materials for front, side and back parts of the extruded shape. If you need more styles for different parts, consider splitting the shape into several objects and styling them up separately.

Boxshot applies planar bounding–box aligned mapping to front and back of the shape. Note that back mapping is exactly the same as the front one, so it looks flipped.

Side mapping runs along the curves of the shape with its U coordinate, while V coordinate goes from zero at the back side to 1 at the front. You can always change that using UV–mapping parameters of the material’s texture slots.


Here is a quick summary of extruding curves in Boxshot:

That is all, now go and extrude something special :)

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