Barcode User Interface

When you start Barcode you see the barcode selection window. It displays all the barcodes you previously made (or some default ones, if you run the software the first time). You can scroll the list down to see what barcodes are currently there, configured for further use:

Barcodes list is the first what you see when you start Barcode Generator

Barcode generator keeps all the barcodes you make at the same place, so you can always find the one you need. You can clone, rename or delete barcodes using the context menu (showing when you right click the barcode), or add a new barcode by clicking the big “plus” button at the bottom corner of the window.

Barcodes can be added, renamed, cloned or deleted using the context menu and plus button

Once you’ve added or selected the barcode you need, you can double–click it to switch to the editing mode. Note, that you can also simply press Enter to start editing. Barcode generator can be controlled with keyboard, so you can speed up some operations by not touching the mouse.

Barcode Editor

In editing mode Barcode generator shows the barcode on the left side, and the properties panel on the right. There is also a toolbar at the top:

By double-clicking the selected barcode, you start the barcode editor

At the top left corner of the toolbar, there is a “Back” button and two more buttons for saving and printing barcodes. At the right side of the toolbar there is a “Batch” mode button and the buttons to switch the right panel modes.

The barcode can be zoomed in and out using Ctrl-+/- buttons on Windows, or Cmd-+/- buttons on Mac. There is a text at the bottom left corner of the window that displays the real size of the barcode and the zoom level of the preview.

On the right side of the window, there is panel with all the barcode parameters you can configure. It has four tabs:

Barcode parameters panel has four tabs: data, appearance, texts and marks

The tabs are:

You configure the barcode using the tabs and either save or print it using the toolbar buttons. You can also simply drag the barcode to another application with your mouse.

Once done, you simply click the Back button in the toolbar, or press Escape to return to the barcodes list. Barcode generator will save all the changes you made, so when you open this particular barcode again next time, you’ll see exactly the barcode you’ve just finished editing. If you don’t need that, you can roll back all the changes using the “Undo” function.

Batch Mode

Once the barcode is configured, you can batch–process it with as much data as you need. There is a special button in the toolbar for that. Click the button, paste the barcode numbers and follow the instructions to get the result you want.

More Barcode Tutorials



EAN Barcodes

UPC Barcodes

NDC Barcodes

QR Code

Other Barcodes


